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Fundraising to date...


AMOUNT WE HAVE  $32,774.94  as of 10/26/24

About our trip....

The Full Gospel Church Mission Team will be heading to Oaxaca Mexico on March 18th thru 27th, 2025 to support and serve alongside Missionaries Ben and Hanna Clark (and family) who serve at the Roca Blanca Mission Base.  


Though we plan to serve how ever we are needed, we will likely be helping with a building project, conducting a medical outreach, food distribution and outreach in a remote community, and loving on some kiddos at an orphanage. 


Our team of 19 will each need to raise $2000.   This will cover travel, food, lodging and funds for our projects.  $850 each will be needed by September 22nd so that we can purchase plane tickets.


Please consider donating to our team and helping us get to Roca Blanca in Oaxaca Mexico.

You can give directly in to the Sunday Offering or snail mail a donation to Full Gospel.  Please make a note on the giving envelope or your check "MEXICO MISSION".  You can give individially by making a note of "MEXICO MISSION: INDIVIDUAL NAME or FAMILY NAME"


If you would like to donate online, please click on this link that will direct you to the ONLINE GIVING page.  CLICK HERE   When you give online, select "other" and type MEXICO MISSION in the notes for a team donation, or put "MEXICO MISSION: FAMILY NAME" or "INDIVIDUAL NAME" for a specific donation.


We also need your prayers!  These are the things that you can be praying for....

  • That our team will come together with unity and clarity of mission. 

  • That planning and fundraising will go well

  • That passports come in a timely manor

  • For Safety of travel to Mexico for the team

  • For the people of Mexico that they have a head and heart open to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • That our team would make an eternal difference for the Kingdom of God

  • For support of our missionaries Ben & Hanna Clark in the work that they do at Roca Blanca.  (Click Here for more info on Roca Blanca Mission Base)


On behalf of our Mission Team, THANK YOU SO MUCH!  YOU ARE A BLESSING TO US!


¡Que Dios te bendiga grandemente hoy!

(May God Bless you greatly today!)





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